There has been a critical error on your website this is a common error we gonna fix this error easy way so let’s do it
First of all, you need to know why this error is showing maybe you have recently updated your WordPress theme, plugin
So How to know why There has been a critical error on your website

There has been a critical error on your website
Follow the below steps to fix There has been a critical error on your website issue easily if you are using cPanel shared web hosting
Step1. Login your Cpanel and go to file manager > public_html folder
Step2. Check there is an error.log file available or not and click right on it and view
Step3. open error.log file or view and go to below and check the latest error check below image for reference
Check above image showing ad inserter plugin errors so we need to delete ad- inserter plugin and reinstall it
Go to public_html/wp-content/plugins and delete the in and reinstall it from WordPress dashboard
Hey Hostkarle,
Great post with effective tips to fix the critical error issues on website. I like the post and especially the tips that you have suggested to sort out the critical error issues. Your all the suggested tips are clear, easy to understand and follow; whereas following your tips will be helpful and will help many users to sort out and fix the critical error issues on website.
Really helpful post and thanks for sharing.