Whenever we hear a “free” word, we magically get attracted towards it. Especially, when somesome is providing a free service, it indirectly catches our mind. And, here in this article we are also going to discuss a topic which compell an user to use it’s services. And it is, “free web hosting”
If you’re in the field of blogging, then you might have heard about it. Isn’t it? And, here today we will show that what is a free web hosting and why you should avoid it.
Because, a “free” word is not actually so good and best, as their are some reasons behind using this word. And, free web hosting also covers the same concept which we will learn in this article.
So, Let’s know about it…
What Actually A Free Web Hosting Is?
A web hosting which provides the service without taking any kind of charges, refered as ‘‘free web hosting’’. There are many so-called free web hosting providers, available in the market, which provides web hosting services in negligible rate.
So, do you know why they supply these servives at free of cost? the main reason behind it, is “user attention and attraction“. They, target those audience who wants web hosting but don’t want to spend money. And, this is how they start using traffic of customers and earns by monetization or through ad-networks.
7 Reasons To Avoid Free Web Hosting:
That’s why, you need to avoid these free web hosting services and the main reasons are on follows:
1) Unethical Feeling
Whenever any user visits your website, hosted on free web hosting, feels unprofressionally. And, there are too many causes for this unethical feeling, like – long url of your website, subdomain of web hosting provider, slow loading times, etc.,
In short, hosting a website/blog on a free web hosting provider would be a bad impression on your visitor and it’s UX (User Experience) too.
2) No Control Over Server (cPanel)
Just like in a paid web hosting, ones have a full control over its server configuration and cPanel. But, on using a free web hosting service, you will not get any control panel to configure your files and databases.
You have to follow their instructions as per their policies and T&Cs. If you wish to transfer your files, you couldn’t do that easily. Overall, you might experience a worst reaction towards it.
3) Full Of Advertisements
As per my experience of using a free web host, you will find your website with full of spammy advertisements. Mostly they have pop up ads, and these ads are more disturbing than everything.
It is also an another sign of bad user experience which can degrade your website. So, think twice while using any free web hosting service.
4) No SSL & Authority For It
No free web hosting company would ever give a free SSL as other paid hosting companies give. (e.g – Hostkarle 😊).
Apart from this, some free web hosting companies also do not have the right to attach an SSL certificate to it. So, it would not be a good choice to go with free web hosting services.
5) Free Themes With Dull Look
First of all, you will have a limited number of themes for your website and other thing is that these free themes aren’t a profressional one, which you are in search of.
You will get an ugly look and design in it, which are low responsive and non seo-friendly. So, would you use them? If this question had been asked to me then my answer would been a big NO.
6) Limited Storage & Bandwidth
Any free web hosting service will never have an unlimited storage and bandwidth in it. You wouldn’t get sufficient storage and bandwidth for your website.
And, we know that insufficient bandwidth could results in a downtime. And, this isn’t a good practice in SEO purpose.
7) Non Secure
The last and the most concerned fact of any website is the “security” of it. If your free web hosting company have no security towards your website, then would it be a good? Obviously, No!
And this is the main reason that you should avoid free web hosting, because your website’s security could be cracked at anytime without any prior notice.
So, don’t fall in the trap of free web hosting services, else your website’s information, files and other data would be vanished.
We hope you finally understood that why you should avoid free web hosting services. We had discussed seven reasons for it and i am sure that you will not purchase any free web hosting service in future.
If you still have any question related to this topic, then make sure you leave a comment, we will try to answer each and every comment regarding free web hosting. That’s all… BYE!!
Thanks for such information.
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