Unblock Ip Address From CPanel Shared Hosting
Sometimes when you try to log in to your website or your CPanel account
You get error Like Error 102 (net:: ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED) refused to connect it means your IP address is blocked by the server
it happens because you have entered the wrong password many times so firewall block your IP address
Now is the question is How to unblock my IP address from CPanel or server
Don’t Worry I will show you two way to unblock your IP address
if you are using Hostkarle Web Hosting follow below step
Step 1. Login to your Hostkarle Account Click Here
Step 2. Now Click On Unblock IP Address
Step 3. You can now see Ip address unblock option check screenshot below and click on Check for IP Block and Remove
Another way to unblock IP address is you have to use VPN and change your IP address I hope you understand that its very easy to unblock your IP address from Cpanel shared hosting if you have still doubt you can comment or ask me
Nice Post. Keep it up.
The steps seem fairly simple. I thought it would require more work. Is this simple only in HostKarle or it’s the same in any other web hosting?